SF 18 transom storage to livewell conversion?
Has anyone made the removable transom storage boxes on an 18 into permanent livewells? I know I'm opening up a huge can of worms with the excess weight at the transom but it seems like a logical place for me. I never carry tons of bait or large baits so size wise it seems like it would work. I like the idea of making them drain out the sides, above the waterline. Could a single pump be plumbed to both of them? I haven't given it a ton of thought, but initially I figured on making molds that would slide into the existing holes and probably just 4200/5200 them into place. I would like to add some sort of insulation to allow them to double as coolers also. I would add front hatched to each side to give me access to plumbing @ the livewells and in the bilge. Stupid? Crazy? Genius?
Thanks, Alex. |
Re: SF 18 transom storage to livewell conversion?
I have an 18ft boat with 135 mariner. Boat is stern heavy so during this 5 year rebuild I removed the aft well and moved fuel tank forward.
I would not do it without a least adding an equivalent amount of weight in the stern and checking the effect. |