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Old 06-30-2018, 10:11 AM
Runco Runco is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Weymouth Ma.
Posts: 43
Default Loose motor mount bolts

Have a Mercruiser 260 V8 that I checked the motor mount lags and found them a little loose. What's the best fix for this?
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Old 06-30-2018, 01:35 PM
FLexpat FLexpat is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 669

It kinda depends on why they are loose. My engine beds were badly rotted and the bolts were loose. The 2x6 cores of my beds did not have glass on the back sides so they got wet from both the holes in the glass on top and whatever water sloshed around in the bilges. When I replaced my transom I completely replaced the beds with Coosa cored beds and included an aluminum plate embedded in them to put bolts into. If your beds are only rotted around the bolts you can probably fill that area with something like gitrot and bandaid it that way. If they are sound except arount the bolts it may also be possible to bolt an aluminum plate (1/2-3/8) on top of them and just put you mounts on that with threaded holes in the plate. Or just do a complete replacement of the engine beds. If you go in, be sure to look at the transom hard and also look at the Y tube where it mounts to the transom housing - mine was in really bad shape from corrosion around the stainless bolts and the bottom two ears were completely gone - if something like that lets go it gets really bad fast...

And they could just be loose with the beds being fine.
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