1976 20 sf \" new floor height\" ?
Hello to all,I own a 1976 20 sf. I am about almost done raising the transom to 25 inches,and need advice on the new floor,i plan on putting on a new 150 etec or 150 yamaha,the weight will be anywhere from 418 lbs to about 450 lbs,i would like it to be self bailing and need to know if anyone has a similar setup if they could give me a measurement on the waterline,the measurement would be from the top of the transom " 25 inch transom" where the motor sits to the waterline in inches,if i get the measurements with the weight of 1 or 2 people back there even better,right now my existing floor is about 2 inches higher than my stringers,and the self bailing went through the floor,i would change that to drain out the transom thanks in advance for all your help