Re: Painting
Dont blame you one bit for not wanting to get under there and have all those paintchips falling in you face.....good point about the vapor thing with the strippers.....wonder why I felt so good the day I did that work [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ... But really on a serious note when I start playing with that stuff .. even sanding … I use a respirator with dust and vapor cartridges While I cant speak from experience on what to use for painting.... I will say that in all the conversations I have had with Awlgrip and Sterling they have both recommended the use of foam at least for the application of the paint.....Thing thats good is that you have seen good results using the other roller..so when you use the foam you should get super results [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] I'm sure its going to look great!! Scott |